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The Lost Lunar Baedeker Page 7

  cocked his jet eye

  in its immaculate leer,

  and as a coin,

  tossed his destiny

  Once a shy ivory boy,

  the colour of life

  had deepened on his cheek

  in a wry irony

  Pascin has ceased

  to flush with ineffaceable bruises

  his innubile Circes

  Ceased to dangle

  demi-rep angels

  in tinsel bordels

  Silence bleeds

  from his slashed wrists

  the dim homunculus


  cries for the unbirth

  The seeds

  of his sly spirit

  are cast to posterity

  in satyric squander

  a pigeon-toed populace

  whose changeling women

  jostle the prodigal son

  as swine

  Cinderellas awander.



  (POEMS 1942–1949)

  Loy in the 1950s

  On Third Avenue


  “You should have disappeared years ago”—

  so disappear

  on Third Avenue

  to share the heedless incognito

  of shuffling shadow-bodies

  animate with frustration

  whose silence’ only potence is


  preceding the eroded bronze contours

  of their other aromas

  through the monstrous air

  of this red-lit thoroughfare.

  Here and there



  set afire

  a feature

  on their hueless overcast

  of down-cast countenances.

  For their ornateness

  Time, the contortive tailor,

  on and off,

  clowned with sweat-sculptured cloth

  to press

  upon these irreparable dummies

  an eerie undress

  of mummies

  half unwound.


  Such are the compensations of poverty,

  to see———

  Like an electric fungus

  sprung from its own effulgence

  of intercircled jewellery

  reflected on the pavement,

  like a reliquary sedan-chair,

  out of a legend, dumped there,

  before a ten-cent Cinema,

  a sugar-coated box-office

  enjail a Goddess

  aglitter, in her runt of a tower,

  with ritual claustrophobia.

  Such are compensations of poverty,

  to see———

  Transient in the dust,

  the brilliancy

  of a trolley

  loaded with luminous busts;

  lovely in anonymity

  they vanish

  with the mirage

  of their passage.

  Mass-Production on 14th Street

  Ocean in flower

  of closing hour

  Pedestrian ocean

  of whose undertow,

  the rosy scissors of hosiery

  snip space

  to a triangular racing lace

  in an iris circus of Industry.

  As a commodious bee

  the eye

  gathers the infinite facets

  of the unique unlikeness

  of faces;

  the diamond flesh of adolescence

  sloping toward perception:

  flower over flower,

  corollas of complexion

  craning from hanging-gardens

  of the garment-worker.

  All this Eros’ produce

  dressed in audacious


  orgies of orchid

  or dented dandelion

  among a foliage of mass-production:


  tossed at a carnal caravan

  for Carnevale.

  The consumer,

  the statue of a daisy in her hair

  jostles her auxiliary creator

  the sempstress—on her hip

  a tulip—


  of her hand-labor.

  From the conservatories of commerce’

  long glass aisles,

  idols of style

  project a chic paralysis

  through mirrored opals


  the cyclamen and azure

  of their mobile simulacra’s

  tidal passing;

  while an ironic

  furrier, in the air,

  combines the live and static


  of the thoroughfare;

  a windowed carousel

  of girls revolving

  idly in an unconcern

  of walking dolls

  letting their little wrists from under

  the short furs of summer,

  jolt to their robot turn.

  Now, in the sedative descent of dusk

  the street returns to stone;


  two lovers, crushed

  together in their sweet conjecture

  as to Fashion’s humour,

  point at the ecru and ivory

  replica of the dress she has on,

  doused in a reservoir of ruby neon;

  only — — her buttons are clothespins

  the mannequin’s, harlequins.

  Idiot Child on a Fire-Escape

  Obedient as a bundle,

  parked in your careful shawls,

  you will not fall

  into the exertions

  of the earth under you,

  having spilled,

  on your way to becoming,

  your skill in Being.

  Sunlight excessively

  illumines your deep eyelids

  domed awnings

  over the somnolent

  reluctance of your sight—

  inverted cups

  of mortal ivory,

  almost emptied.

  Aid of the Madonna

  Madonnas are everlastingly mothers in ecstacy.

  Their alcove arms

  retire the Felicity of their conception

  from eld and the disorderliness

  of peril,

  reproving harm.

  Madonnas are æon-moments of motherhood

  —a moment is Time surrounded by itself—

  in perpetuation of the beatitude,

  their attitude

  of smiling havens,

  of sacred shelves.

  Omitted omen of Calvary!

  Uncarved Crucifixion!

  Madonnas are islands in memory

  for earthly mothers, who having begotten,

  in early security, heroes of the skies,

  on forsaken knees

  crave for a moment it be forgotten

  that skies once ovational

  with celestial oboes

  for the Heavenly Celebrities

  are skies in clamour

  of deathly celerities,

  the horror

  of diving obituaries

  under flowers of fire.


  The Eternal is sustained by serial metamorphosis,

  even so Beauty is

  metamorphosis surprises!

  Low in shadow

  of the El’s

  arboreal iron

  some aerial, unbeknown


  of dual mobility,

  having long wing, an unbelievable




  a horizontal gauze;

  trudges, urges,


  its knees’ apexes, a roach’s.

  Humanly sized

  a magnified imago

  towing in
twofold progress

  nameless nostalgia through slush,

  enigma along gloom.

  As always, has a wisp of whiteness loveliness

  to lift the eyelids;

  to whisper of subvisual resources

  in the uncolor of the unknown.

  Across indefinite curbstones


  this creature of fictitious


  this eccentric of traffic:

  after all

  the illicit insect

  is only

  a little girl—

  —a long white muslin curtain,

  tied to her pull-over,

  afloat from her,

  she pilots an ideal load

  taking a heavy child

  for a ride

  in a fragile,


  doll’s perambulator.

  The dilating wing

  billows from her shoulders

  the wondering of windows,

  mildews, as the soul does,


  with dream.

  Ponder this



  kidnap into Fantasia.

  Chiffon Velours

  She is sere.

  Her features,

  verging on a shriek

  reviling age,

  flee from death in odd directions

  somehow retained by a web of wrinkles.

  The site of vanished breasts

  is marked by a safety-pin.


  at rest against the corner-stone

  of a department store.

  Hers alone to model

  the last creation,

  original design

  of destitution.

  Clothed in memorial scraps

  skimpy even for a skeleton.

  Trimmed with one sudden burst

  of flowery cotton

  half her black skirt

  glows as a soiled mirror;

  reflects the gutter—

  a yard of chiffon velours.

  Property of Pigeons

  Pigeons doze,

  or rouse

  their striped crescendos

  of grey rainbow

  a living frieze on the shallow

  sill of a factory window.

  Pigeons arise,


  on vertical bases

  of civic brick

  whitened with avalanches

  of their innocent excrements

  as if an angel had been sick;

  all that is shown to us

  of bird-economies,


  inobvious as the disposal

  of their corpses.

  Pigeons make irritant, alluring


  quilled solfeggios

  of shrill wings winnowing

  their rejoicing, cooing

  fanaticism for wooing.

  Their dolce voices


  Too and fro, frowardly they live

  burnishing each other’s

  gorgeous halters

  in the feathery drive

  of preliminaries

  to their marriages.

  Pigeons disappear,

  their claws, a coral landing-gear,

  dive for the altar-stair

  to their privacies—

  a slice of concrete

  fallen on a cornice

  leading into darkness;

  the slit adjacence of houses

  where the caressive dusts,

  the residue of furnaces

  upholster the gossamer

  festoons of intestate spiders

  for nuptial furniture

  Pigeons through some conjurous procedure

  appear to reappear

  upon the altar-stair

  at startling instants

  in the immature

  torsos of their giant infants;

  timid and unflown

  stark of plume

  naive in nativity

  to peer into a vast transparency.

  Photo After Pogrom

  Arrangement by rage

  of human rubble

  the false-eternal statues of the slain

  until they putrify.

  Tossed on a pile of dead,

  one woman,

  her body hacked to utter beauty

  oddly by murder,

  attains the absolute smile

  of dispossession:

  the marble pause before the extinct haven

  Death’s drear

  erasure of fear,

  the unassumed


  the purposeless peace

  sealing the faces

  of corpses—

  Corpses are virgin.


  The present moment

  is an explosion ,

  a scission

  of past and future


  those valorous disreputables ,

  the ruins ,


  in an unknown dawn

  strewn with prophecy .

  Only the momentary

  goggle of death

  fixes the fugitive

  momentum .

  Omen of Victory

  Women in uniform

  relaxed for tea

  under a shady garden tree


  a dove’s feather

  fallen in the sugar.


  As the Gods sat on Olympus

  above travail of clouds

  it dominates the garbage-barge

  loaded with clouds

  of sanitation’s chaos;

  the enduring face of,

  the ruined body of,

  the poor people

  on Marie Dressler.

  Faun Fare

  Surreptitious fanfare

  of unadams

  amingle with ouradams

  a seemingly uniform guesthood

  met in unsolemn sociability

  the amiable scuffle

  of cocktail party.

  Hooveless fauns

  their goat-haunch

  discard to antiquity

  their hairiness

  woven to our worsted.

  Most smiles are similes


  almost imperceptibly

  simper to mystery—

  As were the tail of the eye

  lidded with unlisted likings

  on ocular trail

  of invitation

  to untypical trysts

  As were the tail of the eye

  feeling for fallacious Foci

  a Flitting tongue

  licking its luminous chops

  o’er tit-bits of other tastes


  to the apple

  the devil

  delivered to Eve.


  Whom no forestal feminae

  need flee

  Altered is the prey.

  Of priceless use to civilization

  You faun

  are balm

  to night-club addict


  for whom

  Adonis as escort

  —obliging her prestige

  as cosmetics her cheek—

  is a must.

  Faun in you

  may she trust

  to stage no thrust

  of Sabine rape

  behind the chauffeur’s back

  O unisex

  Black marketing Amor

  with your intermuscular caress

  of wrestling entry

  to Felicity’s



  Your something-for-nothing


  to infertile “Sin.”


  dual yet single

  Votaries of Venuseros

/>   As in Athens

  So in Manhattan

  Erosvenus evoes

  his-her worshipper

  or whispers

  Eros is ours

  for is not


  forever overall

  a male?

  Or implores

  for fauns’ ease.

  Quiet please!

  As mondial calliopes

  Blaring the bisexual norm

  foment the Fauns’

  allergy to diapers.

  Letters of the Unliving

  The present implies presence


  unauthorized by the present

  these letters are left authorless—

  have lost all origin

  since the inscribing hand

  lost life — — —

  The hoarseness of the past


  from creased leaves

  covered with unwritten writing

  since death’s erasure

  of the writer — — —

  of the lover — — —

  Well chosen and so ill-relinquished

  the husband heartsease

  acme of communion

  who made euphonious

  our esoteric universe

  Ego’s oasis

  in the sole companion.

  As erst my body and my reason

  you left to the drought of your dying:

  the longing and the lack

  when the racked creature


  to an unanswering hiatus

  “reunite us”

  — — — till slyly — — soporose

  patience creeps up on passion.

  while the exhilarance of youth

  dwindles until out of season

  and agony

  ends in an equal grave

  with ecstasy.

  An uneasy mist

  rises from this calligraphy of recollection

  your documented terror of dementia

  due to some merely earthly absence

  This package of ago

  creaks with the horror of echo

  out of void

  the bloom of beloving


  to decay, by the finger

  of Hazard the swindler

  The deathly handler

  left no post-mortem mask — — —

  only a callous earth made mouldy

  your face excelling Adonis

  Posing the extreme enigma

  in my Bewilderness

  Can whom has ceased to be

  Ever have had existence

  No longer any you as addresser

  there is no addressee

  to dally with defunct reality

  Can one who still has being

  be inexistent?

  I am become


  in answer

  to your dead language of amor


  of life’s imposture

  implies no possible retrial

  By my so now-while self

  of my cloud-corpse

  Beshadowing your shroud